Library Rules


Library Rules:

  • Noise, disturbance or unruly behaviour is forbidden in any part of the library. Loitering in the library is prohibited.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
  • Silence shall be observed in the public areas of the library. Mobile phones, and watch alarms should be switched off before entering the library.
  • Users of the library should be decently dressed.
  • Library materials must not be taken out of the library unless Library staffs has properly issued them.
  • All books and personal belongings must be shown to the staff at the library exits whenever required to do so.
  • No bag, case, umbrella, personal book, CD-ROM, or floppy disk should be brought into the Library. They should be deposited at the property counter at one's own risk. The library will not be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users.
  • Mutilation and theft of library materials are offences punishable by law. Appropriate action will be taken by the Library against offenders.
  • Library books and documents must be treated with honour, so that it is prohibited to underline, write notes or pull out pages there from.
  • All dues to the library must be paid in cash at Central Library.
  • The members should inform the library their new designations, official addresses and addresses of communication as and when they move to new resident or locations.
  • Following consultation, books should be justify on the tables for the library staff to re-shelve them.
  • The library staffs have the right to ask users to leave the library if they are inappropriately dressed or are causing a disturbance. The library staffs have the right to ask a non-member to leave the library.
  • Readers are not permitted to bring their own books, floppy disks, CDs & bags into the Library but no responsibility is accepted for their safety.
  • Laptops, Small pad & loose sheets for making notes are allowed after the permission of competent authority.


General Lending Rules:

  • Student members can borrow 4 books for a period of 14 days. Teaching Staff Members can borrow 08 books for a period of 30 days. In case the members fail to return the borrowed document on or within the due date shall be liable to pay overdue charges at the rate of Rs.1.00 per day on the spot. The privileges given to the member shall be suspended if overdue materials are not returned 5 days after overdue date.
  • Users can also renew the books again after the completion of the stipulated period.
  • The Central Library Accession List and Issue are managed through JIT OPAC - Integrated Library Management System (
  • Members must produce their valid ID card when borrowing the books. Members must check to see that all library materials in their possession have been properly checked out to them before leaving the library.
  • Members are held responsible for all materials charged to their accounts.
  • Members will be held responsible for any mutilation including defacement found in library materials when returned. They must check and report any mutilation found at the time of issuing the book.
  • Members must report the loss of library materials immediately to the Circulation Section of the Library and they must pay the compensation for the lost book.
  • Any book not returned in response to a final overdue notice (10 days from due date) would be considered as lost and the member would be asked to replace the lost book within 30 days. If failed, user will be fined five-times the cost of the book as a Replacement Fee.
  • Two-times the cost of book will be charged as penalty, if any damage is found while returning the borrowed books. It is the responsibility of the users to check whether the book is in good condition at the time of borrowing.
  • The borrowing members who repeatedly fail to return documents on due date consecutively on five occasions may loss the privilege of the membership of the library. They will need to pay enrollment fee to renew the membership.
  • The documents on loan with the members can be recalled by the Library at any time
  • The computer kept in the Central Library is restricted only for searching the books and E-Journals using OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) and not for general browsing.
  • The borrower is obliged to compensate lost or damaged items either by substituting the material or paying for it. Fines will be calculated, according to the Rates of Fine, from the date due to the date when the material was reported lost.
  • If failed to substitute the book, fine will be levied as five-times the cost of the book as a Replacement Fee.
  • If the payment for the lost book is not done as demanded, accounts department (JIT) will have to recover the amount through summing up in fine amount in tuition fees and sent it to the Central Library.
  • In the case of passed-out students, the amount due for the lost book will be intimated via email and incase the same is not paid then, it will be recovered from the security deposit made by the user.