About IWCC
IWCC administer the provisions of the “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act,” and as well implementation of the Visaka Guidelines to ensure the prevention of sexual harassment of women. The duty of the IWCC is to create awareness about sexual harassment and to deal with and recommend punishment for non-consensual acts of sexual harassment against erring person. Committee members need to be sensitive to the issue and not let personal biases and prejudices. Also the IWCC will take and consider effectively preventive, gender sensitization and remedial measures in the context of Act and guidelines. The jurisdiction of IWCC would apply to all students, faculty and nonteaching staffs on active roles and also apply to service providers and outsiders who may be within the territory of the Institution.
Obligations of the Institution through IWCC
- The duty of the IWCC is to create awareness about sexual harassment and to deal with and recommend punishment for non-consensual acts of sexual harassment against an erring person. Committee members need to be sensitive to the issue and not let personal biases and prejudices.
- Also, the IWCC will take and consider effectively preventive, gender sensitization and remedial measures in the context of Act and guidelines.
- Provide mechanisms of dispute redressal and dialogue to anticipate and address issues through just and fair conciliation without undermining complainant’s rights, and minimize the need for purely punitive approaches that lead to further resentment, alienation or violence;
- Protect the safety of the complainant by not divulging the person’s identity, and provide the mandatory relief by way of sanctioned leave or relaxation of attendance requirement or transfer to another department or supervisor as required during the pendency of the complaint, or also provide for the transfer of the offender;
- Ensure that victims or witnesses are not victimised or discriminated against while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment; and
- Ensure prohibition of retaliation or adverse action against a covered individual because the employee or the student is engaged in protected activity.
IWCC Members
Presiding Officer / Chairman
- Dr. Manjula R Shenoy, Associate Professor,Physics.
Member (NGO Representative)
- Mrs.Priya Murali, Social Activist & Director – Chandrans Yuva Foundations,Coimbatore.
Members (Faculty Members)
- Dr.T.Meenakshi, Prof/EEE.
- Prof. R.Ashwini, Assistant Professor, CSE.
- Prof. N.Nithyai, Assistant Professor, Maths.
- Prof.M.S.Krishna Priya, Assistant professor/AI & DS.
Members (Non-teaching Faculty Members)
- Mr.D.Shanmugarajan, Office Superintend, System-Admin.
- Mr.B.Gowthaman, Executive Assistant, System-Admin.
Members (Students)
- Ms.Kolipakula Sasikala of IV AI & DS
- Ms.Harshini S of II CSE
- Ms.Swetha M of II CSBS
Contact Information
e-mail id :
Ph. No. : +0091 – 421 – 2264900 – 734
Mobile No.: 9952263396 (Dr.Manjula.R.Shenoy)