Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship

About us

Centre for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) commenced operations in 2022 with active guidance from the Jansons Foundation and JIT in order to establish a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. The incubator has a designated area of 10,000 square feet to encourage new businesses and start-ups. The incubator’s exclusive focus was on supporting businesses developing new products to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This has resulted in the development of five ventures that aim to become DPIIT- recognized start-ups. The ventures have innovative technologies of potential importance to the industry and society. Additionally, CIIE helps JIT students transform their creative and novel ideas into viable business propositions by supporting them to attain the required Technology readiness level (TRL), Manufacturing readiness level (MRL), and Investment readiness level (IRL). CIIE capitalizes on JIT’s many notable assets, such as its cutting-edge research facilities, pre-incubation units, intellectual property rights services, and innovation ambassadors.


To germinate and promote a unique brand of entrepreneurs who will be change agents in the field of innovation-based entrepreneurship.


To encourage entrepreneurial and innovative spirit among students and other aspirants for the successful creation of new enterprises and the creation of employment in new domains that are compatible with the region’s unique opportunities.

Indexing of Innovations

Technology Readiness Level

Technology readiness levels (TRLs) - Measurement of the maturity level of a particular technology

TRL 1 to 9

Systematic addressing of TRLs is required, allowing a technology to evolve from conception through to research, development and deployment
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Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL)

MRLs are a method for understanding the maturity of a manufacturing process readiness, similar to how TRLs Readiness Levels (TRLs) are used to understand technology maturity.

MRL 1-10

MRLs allow innovators to have a consistent datum of reference for understanding manufacturing maturity evolution.
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Investment Readiness Level


IRL 1-9

Market size and competitive analysis Validate Revenue model and Value delivery
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