Search, Find and Learn from JIT Central Library

About the Library

JIT Central Library serves as the Nerve Centre of JIT, well furnished with modern facilities and resources like books, journals, Online databases, e-journals, e-books, audio-video resources, project reports, magazines, newspapers, etc. Integration of contemporary IT solutions has empowered the Central Library to quickly ascend to the major leagues.

JIT Central library provides inclusive learning spaces which inculcate reading habits among the students and teaching community and also support the teaching-learning process via the best practices of the library. JIT Central library is integrated with department libraries, student-run hostel libraries, and CCR library to promote a flexible learner-centric approach.

JIT Central library is automated using KOHA ILMS for handling day-to-day routine tasks of all the integrated libraries. JIT Central Library offers its users convenient access to the best of learning resources through its subscriptions to IEEE, DELNET, IESTC, ICTACT, ICI, NDLI, e-books academic collections, etc. Remote access to e-resources is given to users via JiT eEDU – IMS. The Online Catalogue of all the libraries is available 24X7 throughout the year. Users may search and check the availability of a particular book, journal, audio-visual material, thesis, dissertation, etc. anywhere and anytime.

The Library Advisory Committee is formed at the beginning of every academic year by the Principal in consultation with the staff members. Add-ons to the library collection and other decisions are taken by the library committee twice in an academic year.

Library Services
    • Circulation of Books and Non-Books
    • Fully Automated Library Operation
    • News Paper and Placement Clippings in Notice Board
    • Announcement Sections and Daily News Updates in OPAC
    • Catalog of Open Access Journals Springer Nature & Cambridge Open Access eBooks in OPAC
    • Quote of the Day in OPAC
    • Circulation alert service via E-Mail to all Patrons
    • Integration of all the Department Libraries in ILMS
    • New Arrival Announcement via Bulk announcement e-mail and JIT Telegram Group
    • Best Library User Award
Best Practices
    • Career Counselling Information Services
    • Active Data Contributor for DELNET Best Practices – Data Sharing and Accessibility
      in DELNET Discovery Portal
    • Active Video Lectures Contributor for DELNET Best Practices for Subject Matter
      Experts Knowledge sharing in DELNET Vision Portal

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