Bootstrap Studio

Jansons Institute of Technology have availed education license to Bootstrap Studio in our Laboratories and Class room.

Bootstrap Studio is a powerful desktop app for designing, prototyping websites, creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework. It comes with a large number of built-in components, which you can drag and drop to assemble responsive web pages. The app is built on top of the hugely popular Bootstrap framework, and exports clean and semantic HTML.

    • Bootstrap Studio has a beautiful and powerful interface, which is built around the simplicity of drag and drop.
    • This makes it the perfect tool for prototyping and designing web pages and apps.
    • With Beautiful Templates – The app comes with a number of premium, fully responsive templates that you can customize.
    • Each template consists of multiple pages and widgets you can pick-and-match into the perfect website.
    • Beautiful Components – A large number of pretty components for building responsive pages.
    • Has a powerful feature called Preview. With it, you can open your design in multiple web browsers and devices, and every change you make within the app will be shown instantaneously everywhere. 
    • Gives full control over your markup when you need it. You can import and edit CSS, SASS, JavaScript and HTML in our Sublime Text-like editor.

