About Department
B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is a four-year undergraduate program approved by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai during the Academic year 2020-2021 with the intake of 60 students and further increased to 120 students in the Academic year 2024-2025. The course B.Tech (AI & DS) provides deep knowledge of Artificial Intelligence techniques and develops intellectual skills to create well-justified solutions using computational methods for extracting knowledge from data.  At the forefront of technological innovation and data-driven solutions, Department of AI&DS is dedicated to shaping the future. We blend theoretical knowledge with practical expertise to equip students with the skills needed to excel in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field.  This program emphasizes foundational knowledge, hands-on experience, and industry readiness.
- To be a leading center of excellence in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, fostering innovation, research, and ethical practices to create impactful solutions for global challenges.
- Education: Provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates AI and data science with real-world applications.
- Research: Conduct cutting-edge research to advance the frontiers of knowledge and develop innovative technologies.
- Community: Build a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages diversity, creativity, and lifelong learning.
Programme Offered
- B. Tech Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Research & Innovation
  The Department is actively involved in various research areas, including but not limited to,Â
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing,
- Computer Vision
- Big Data Analytics
- Robotics and Automation
- Ethical AI and Policy
- IoT and Smart Systems
- Utilize their proficiencies in the fundamental knowledge of basic sciences, mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, data science and statistics to build systems that require management and analysis of large volumes of data.
- Advance their technical skills to pursue pioneering research in the field of AI and Data Science and create disruptive and sustainable solutions for the welfare of ecosystems.
- Think logically, pursue lifelong learning and collaborate with an ethical attitude in a multidisciplinary team.
- Graduates should be able to design and develop AI based real time solutions in all the sectors of Engineering, Business and Governance.
- Graduates should be able to provide dynamic solutions for the environmental problems and global sustainable developments.
- Graduates should be able to create, select and apply the theoretical knowledge of AI and Data Analytics along with practical industrial tools and techniques to manage and solve wicked societal problems.
PO1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, computing, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization as specified in WK1 to WK4 respectively to develop to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions with consideration for sustainable development. (WK1 to WK4).
PO3. Design/Development of Solutions: Design creative solutions for complex engineering problems and design/develop systems/components/processes to meet identified needs with consideration for the public health and safety, whole-life cost, net zero carbon, culture, society and environment as required. (WK5).
PO4. Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Conduct investigations of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge including design of experiments, modelling, analysis & interpretation of data to provide valid conclusions. (WK8).
PO5. Engineering Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering & IT tools, including prediction and modelling recognizing their limitations to solve complex engineering problems. (WK2 and WK6).
PO6. The Engineer and The World: Analyze and evaluate societal and environmental aspects while solving complex engineering problems for its impact on sustainability with reference to economy, health, safety, legal framework, culture and environment. (WK1, WK5, and WK7).
PO7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, human values, diversity and inclusion; adhere to national & international laws. (WK9).
PO8. Individual and Collaborative Team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse/multi-disciplinary teams.
PO09. Communication: Communicate effectively and inclusively within the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations considering cultural, language, and learning differences.
PO10. Project management and finance: Apply knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, and to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO11. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability for i) independent and life-long learning ii) adaptability to new and emerging technologies and iii) critical thinking in the broadest context of technological change. (WK8).
Related Pages
- About AI&DS
- Lab Facility
- Faculty
- List of Publications
- Internship
- Value Added Courses
- Achievements
- Funded Projects
- MoU Signed
- Consultancy Services
- Events
- Syllabus