Journal Publications
- Basker, On -Spaces in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces. Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2018,P. No. 371-374.
- Murali, V.C.Thilak Rajkumar, M/M/C/K QUEUEING PROCESS AND ITS DESIGNING SELECTION OF ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING PLANS, June 2018, Volume 5, Issue 6,Page No:61 – 66,JETIR: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN-2349-5162.
- Murali, V.C.Thilak Rajkumar, Analysis of supply chain risk mitigation using Graph theory, Matrix determinant method and c programming,Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018, Page No:490 – 495,JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations, ISSN NO: 1076-5131.
- S. Ramaswami and S. Murali, Analysis of supply chain risk mitigation using Graph theory, Matrix determinant method and C Programming, Journal of applied Science and computations .Vol 5 pages 278-284 , 2018
- Jeyakumar S and Senthilnathan.B ,Modelling and analysis of a bulk service queueing model with multiple working vacations and server breakdown, RAIRO – Operations Research, Vol. 51, Pages 485 – 508, 2017.
- M .Parimala, S Jafari and S Murali,Nano ideal generalized closed sets in nano ideal topological spaces , Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest 2017 vol 60 pages 3 -11, 2017
- S. Ramaswami and S. Murali Analysis of Non-Zero Arrivals Of Batches In A Quality Control Division From An M/M/1:∞/FIFO Queueing Model Global ,Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume -11 Pages 569-578 year -2017
- S. Ramaswami and S. Murali Analysis of Bulk Batches with atleast K – Number of Arrivals in an M[x/k]/M/1:∞/FIFO Queueing System, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities vol – 6 pages 913-925, 2016
- S. Ramaswami and S. Murali Designing and selection of acceptance sampling plans for incoming lots from an m/m/c/k queueing process, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology ,vol 7 pages 254 -257, 2016.
- M.Parimala, and S. Murali, Intuitionistic Fuzzy α-Generalized Closed Sets in Terms of Minimal Structure Spaces, Circuits and Systems vol 7 page 1486 year 2016
- Jeyakumar.S and Senthilnathan.B , Steady state analysis of bulk arrival and bulk service queueing model with multiple working vacations, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research,Vol. 9 (3), Pages 375 – 394, 2016.
- Basker and V.Kokilavani, On -open and –open sets in intuitionistic topological spaces, MAEJO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 10(02), 187-196.
- Basker and V.Kokilavani, “On and in Topological Spaces via Grills”, KONGUNADU RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2015, Vol. 2, No.2, P.No. 34 -36.
- Murali, K S Ramaswami and S Devaarul, Analysis of non-zero arrivals of batches in a quality control division from an M/M/1:∞/fifo queueing system,Global journal of pure and applied mathematics. Vol 11 pages 569-578 year 2015
- S. Ramaswami and S. Murali, A Numerical frame work for Solving D/G(A,N/A,Q)/ 1/Qmax of Discrete time Queues, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research vol 9 pages 11961-11968 , 2014
- Jeyakumar.S and Senthilnathan.B , Modelling and analysis of a M x /G(a,b)/1 queue with multiple vacations, setup times, closedown time and server breakdown without interruption, International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 19(1), Pages 114 – 139, 2014.
- S. Ramaswami S. Murali, Designing and Construction of Group Sampling Plans for an M/M/C Queueing Model, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research Vol 4 pages 621-625 , 2014.
- Basker and V.Kokilavani, “On -Neighbourhoods in Topological Spaces” ANNULS OF FUZZY MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS , Jun. 2014, Vol. 7, No.6, P.No. 859-866.
- Basker and V.Kokilavani, “On in -Structures” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , 2014,Vol. 91, No.1, P.No. 13 -22
- Basker, “On -regular spaces”, KONGUNADU RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2014, Vol. 1, No.1, P.No. 7 -10.
- Basker, and V. Kokilavani, On -open and -closed Functions In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Jamal Academic Research Journal, Feb. 2014, ISSN: 0973-0303, P. No. 404-407.
- T, Karthikayan. S and Senthilnathan. B, A Magneto-convection Over a Semi-infinite Porous Plate with Heat Generation , Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Pages 589-595, September and October 2013.
Jeyakumar.S and Senthilnathan.B , A study on the behavior of the server breakdown without interruption in a M X /G(a,b)/1 queueing system with multiple vacations and closedown time, Applied Mathematics and computation, 219 (2012) 2618–2633. ELSEVIER
Basker, On and -Spaces in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces Proceeding of International Workshop and Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Computation, 2019.
Basker, On -Sets in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces, Proceeding of International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2018, P. No. 199-206.
Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on “Differential Equations and their Applications in Mathematical Modelling”
Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on “Differential Equations and their Applications in Mathematical Modelling” Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, The National Academy of Sciences India, Allahabad, in the association with Jansons Institute of