List of Publications

Journal Publications

Dr.Matheswaran.M.M Performance Comparison of Heat Regeneration Modes in Adsorption Dryers for Ultra-Low Dew Point Compressed Air Production Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers , (2023), Volume 44 Issue 5 (2023/10) Pp. 473-480.

Nimel Sworna Ross, Belsam Jeba Ananth Manasea Selvin, Srinivasan Nagarajan, Peter Madindwa Mashinini, Satish Kumar Dharmalingam, Akash Paul Savio, Munish Kumar Gupta & Mehmet Erdi Korkmaz, Novel use of cryogenic cooling conditions in improving the machining performance of Al 8011/nano-SiC composites, (2023), The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 129, pages 1703–1715.


Conference Publications

Mr.F.Alexander Portable Waste Paper Recycling Machine For Sustainable Clean Environment International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24)

Mr.K.Maadesh Kumar, Mr. Gokul Krishna V , Mr. Karthick R Investigation in Fibre Treatment on Morphology and Mechanical Behaviour of Hibiscus Cannabinus / Curaua /Epoxy Resin with Nano Particles for Bio – Medical Applications, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024

M Madhava surya, N Nithin joy Dr.M.Muthukumaran, Development of IoT-based system to monitor and regulate oil quality parameters in real-time industrial applications, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024

Mr. N. Srinivasan, Mandapati Bhargav, Ponguru Chaithanya Kumar Reddy , Savadiboyina Gokul Yadav, Vabhalluru Vislesh, Efficient Solar Cold Storage for Horticultural Produce for Small Scale Farmers, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024

Dr. L Anoj Kumar, Sahil Mangesh , Pasumarthy Mouneesh , Shaik MusharafDesign and Development of a Smart Safety System for Flyovers . International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024.

Magesh M, Yalla Chenchu Venkata Mahendra, Pujari Ganesh Naik, Arusuru Sudheer, Solar Air Cooler and Heater with Auto Tracking, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024.

Mr. N. Srinivasan, Alla Saibabu, Gopireddy Sethu Bala Sai Srinivas Reddy, Somu Sai Kiran Reddy, Development of Solar Multipurpose Agricultural Vehicle, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024.

V.Murali, Nellore Sasank, Netrambaka Venkata Nihkil Sai, Sriram Vamsi, Optimisation of EDM Parameters on Machining Magnesium Alloy AZ31B for Improving Circularity, Cylindricity and Perpendicularity, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024.

Dr.M.M Matheswaran, Shathrak K, Akash Tkv, Vishal Sk,Jesfer Arun J, Development of Energy Efficient Jet Impingement Evacuated Tube Solar Air Heater assisted dryers for dehydration of Waterhyacinth, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024.

V Murali, Menati Lokesh, Shaik Jafar, Shaik Masthanvali, Design and analysis of differential drive wheeled mobile robot for all kinds of environment, International Conference On Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics 3.0 (ICSTEM-24) Organised by DFT Training Institute Private Limited, Bengaluru30 April 2024.


Book/ Book Chapters Published

D Vasanth Kumar, N Srinivasan, SJ Davis Hans, S Gokul, B Arulmurugan, B Sathishkumar, “Additive Manufacturing of Nanoscale and Microscale Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p 267-293, May 2024.

Dr.M.M.Matheswaran, published a Book chapter titled, “Solar Thermal Conversion Technologies for Industrial Process Heating”, Publisher: CRC Press(Taylor and Francis, Group), ISBN : 9781003263326, April, 2023.


Journal Publications

  • Matheswaran, M.M., Sahu, M.K and Kharub, (2022). “Nusselt number and friction factor correlation development for arc-shape apex upstream artificial roughness in solar air heater”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol no.29, pp. 65025–65042.
  • Srinivasan, N., Ross, N.S., Amutha, P., Gupta, M.K. and Korkmaz, M.E., (2022). “Thermo-physical, tribological and machining characteristics of Hastelloy C276 under sustainable cooling/lubrication conditions”. Journal Of Manufacturing Processes, vol no.80, pp.397-413.
  • Thomas Renald CJ, Somasundaram P, Matheswaran M M,.,and Gnanasekaran N., (2022). “Analytical investigation on thermo hydraulic performance augmentation of triangular duct solar air heater integrated with wavy fins”. International Journal of Green Energy, pp.1-11.
  • Ramesh, M., Rajeshkumar, L.N., Srinivasan, N., Kumar, D.V. and Balaji, D., (2022). “Influence of filler material on properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites: A review”. e-Polymers, vol no.22(1), pp.898-916.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V., Muthusamy, S., Natrayan, L., Panchal, H., Subramaniam, S., Khedkar, N.K., El-Shafay, A.S. and Sonawane, C., (2022). “A case study on thermo-hydraulic performance of jet plate solar air heater using response surface methodology”. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol no.34, p.101983.
  • Ross, N.S., Gopinath, C., Srinivasan, N., Gupta, M.K., Shanmugam, R., Kumar, M.S., Boy, M. and Korkmaz, M.E., (2022). “Impact of hybrid cooling approach on milling and surface morphological characteristics of Nimonic 80A alloy”. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol no.73, pp.428-439.
  • Sivaraman, V., Davis Hans, S.J., Palani, K., Atiso, T.A., and Ross, N.S., (2022). “Analysis of Turning Performance on AISI O1 Steel Using VO+ nMoS2 as Coolant”. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,  2022, Article ID 8196347, 12 pages,.


  • Srinivasan, “Development of MR Fluid Assisted Novel Vibration Damping Fixture for Milling Machine” 16th Global Confernce on Manufacturing and Management,5-7 December 2022, Organized by Auckland University of Technology,Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Srinivasan, “Investigation on Formability of Tailored AA7075 Thin Sheets by Friction Stir Processes 10th SAE India International Mobility Conference, SIIMC 2022; 12-14,October 2022, Hilton Bengaluru Embassy Manyata Business Park.
  • Anoj Kumar, S. Bharath, T. Devin Kumar, R. Kavinpradeep,and D. Gokul, Modified Design and Development of Cost-Effective 3D Printed Hovercraft, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Muthukumaran, D. Dharmesh, and P S Shivashankar,” On-board weighing system using load cells to measure the loaded Trucks, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Murali, Vasanth Kumar, and M Kalayarasan, Taguchi Method with Grey Relational Analysis and TOPSIS Optimization of EDM Parameters for Ceramic Composite, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Alexander, G. Subash, K. Vivekanandhan, and S. Madhu, “Low Cost, Solar Power Driven Smart Irrigation System for the Agricultural Field”, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Magesh.,V.Divyanandhan.,R.Baskar., P.Bharath Raj.,and V.Vishal, Numerical Analysis of Different Tool Profile for Friction Stir Welding, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • M., Akelashwaran .R., Annamalai .S., Manoj.T., Naveen kuma .D, Numerical Analysis of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Joints, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • Maadesh Kumar.K., Dheena.K., Hariharan.G., Jagan.M., and Nithish Kumar R,” Influence of fiber treatment on morphology and mechanical behaviour of hibiscus canabinus with curaua fiber”, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • V., Anishselvan.A., Kavinkumar.S., and Sathasivam .P, “Experimental investigation on Mechanical properties of laser weld and cold welded CR sheet metals”, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • N., Karthik.T,Karthickraja., A,Santhosh.T., and Yogies.S, “Design and Development of Novel Deep Drawing System for Superalloy Thin Walled Components” International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.


  • Sahu, M.K., Matheswaran, M.M. and Bishnoi, P., (2021). “Experimental study of thermal performance and pressure drop on a solar air heater with different orientations of arc-shape rib roughness”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.144(4), pp.1417-1434.
  • Arun, M., Muthukumaran, M. and Balasubramanian, S., (2021). “Tribological characterization of friction stir welded dissimilar aluminum alloy AA6061–AA5083 reinforced with CeO2 and La2O3 nanoparticles”. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.
  • Kumar, A.V., Arjunan, T.V., Seenivasan, D., Venkatramanan, R., Vijayan, S. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2021). “Influence of twisted tape inserts on energy and exergy performance of an evacuated Tube-based solar air collector”. Solar Energy, vol no.225, pp.892-904.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Sahu, M.K., (2021). “Influence of twisted tape fins on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics for impinging jet solar air heater”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, vol no.235(4), pp.824-831.
  • Sowmya Dhanalakshmi, C. and Madhu, P., (2021). “Biofuel production of neem wood bark (Azadirachta indica) through flash pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor and its chromatographic characterization”. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol no.43(4), pp.428-443.


  • Anoj Kumar L,” Advanced Bus Tracking system using IoT”, 7th International E-confernce on Latest Technology in Science and Engineering Technology, 2022, Organised by Karpagam Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, India.
  • Sriram R , ArjunSiddarthan V , Ayyappan S, Ramanathan G , and Alexander F, “Mechanical Testing and Analysis of a Fiber Hybrid Composite Panel Made up of Natural Fiber (Jute, Coir) and E-Glass Fiber”, National e – Conference On Recent Advancements in Design, Automation and Intelligent Systems,12 June 2021, Organised by NGP institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • Ashok Kumar P., Vasanth Kumar D. , Davis Hans SJ. , Janarthanan “Investigation of stainless steel 316 coated with nickel”,International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering,10-11 March 2021, Organised by NGP institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • Michael Joseph Stalin, T.V.Arjunan, M,M,Matheswaran, P.Manoj Kumar, and N.Sadanandam, “Investigations on thermal properties of CeO2/water nanofluids for heat transfer applications”, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing,15-16 October 2020, Organised by Amity university ,Madhya Pradesh,India.
  • M. Matheswaran, T.V. Arjunan, D.Somasundaram, “Influence of twisted tape fins on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics for impinging jet solar air heater”, International Conference on Energy and Environment,11-12,April 2019,organised by Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore India.
  • M. Matheswaran, T.V. Arjunan, D.Somasundaram, “Energetic, Exergetic and Enviro Economic Analysis on Jet Plate Solar Air Heater”, International Conference on Thermal Analysis and Energy Systems,12-13,April 2018,organised by Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India.
  • Krishnakumar, K. Lingadurai , R. MukeshL. Princeraj , V. Naveen , M. Kavya , A. Sai Kiran,” Performance Analysis of NACA2411 Ice Accreted Original and Optimized Airfoils”, International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Machining,08-09,March 2019, Organised by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India.

Book Chapters

  • Stalin, P.M.J., Arjunan, T.V., Matheswaran, M.M., Kumar, P.M. and Sadanandam, N., (2021). Influence of various nanofluids on the performance of solar water heaters. In Solar Water Heating: Fundamentals and Applications Nova Science Publishers. pp. 285-314.


  • Michael Joseph Stalin, P., Arjunan, T.V., Matheswaran, M.M., Dolli, H. and Sadanandam, N., (2020). “Energy, economic and environmental investigation of a flat plate solar collector with CeO2/water nanofluid”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.139(5), pp.3219-3233.
  • Sahu, M.K., Matheswaran, M.M. and Bishnoi, P., (2020). “Experimental investigation of augmented thermal and performance characteristics of solar air heater ducts due to varied orientations of roughness geometry on the absorber plate”. Archives of Thermodynamics, pp.147-182.
  • Saravanakumar, P.T., Somasundaram, D. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2020). “Exergetic investigation and optimization of arc shaped rib roughened solar air heater integrated with fins and baffles”. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol no.175, p.115316.
  • Sivakandhan, C., Arjunan, T.V. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2020). “Thermohydraulic performance enhancement of a new hybrid duct solar air heater with inclined rib roughness”. Renewable Energy, vol no.147, pp.2345-2357.
  • Vijayan, S., Arjunan, T.V., Kumar, A. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2020). “Experimental and thermal performance investigations on sensible storage based solar air heater”. Journal of Energy Storage, vol no.31, p.101620.
  • Pasupathi, M.K., Alagar, K., Matheswaran, M.M., and Aritra, G., (2020). “Characterization of hybrid-nano/paraffin organic phase change material for thermal energy storage applications in solar thermal systems”. Energies, vol no.13(19), p.5079.
  • Stalin, P.M.J., Arjunan, T.V., Matheswaran, M.M. and Sadanandam, N., (2020). “Effects of CeO_2/Water Nanofluid on the Efficiency of Flat Plate Solar Collector”. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series C, vol no.41(1), pp.75-83.


  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Somasundaram, D., (2019). “Analytical investigation of exergetic performance on jet impingement solar air heater with multiple arc protrusion obstacles”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.137(1), pp.253-266.
  • Saravanakumar, P.T., Somasundaram, D. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2019) “Thermal and thermo-hydraulic analysis of arc shaped rib roughened solar air heater integrated with fins and baffles”. Solar Energy, vol no.180, pp.360-371.
  • Sahu, M.K., Sharma, M., Matheswaran, M.M. and Maitra, K., (2019). “On the use of longitudinal fins to enhance the performance in rectangular duct of solar air heaters—a review”. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol no.141(3), pp.030802.
  • Sowmya Dhanalakshmi, C. and Madhu, P., (2019). “Utilization possibilities of Albizia amara as a source of biomass energy for bio-oil in pyrolysis process”. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol no.41(15), pp.1908-1919.
  • Nithiyesh Kumar, C. and Ilangkumaran, M., (2019). “Experimental study on thermal performance and exergy analysis in an internally grooved tube integrated with triangular cut twisted tapes consisting of alternate wings”. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol no.55(4), pp.1007-1021.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Somasundaram, D., (2019). “Energetic, exergetic and enviro-economic analysis of parallel pass jet plate solar air heater with artificial roughness”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.136(1), pp.5-19.


  • Gowtham P., Hari Pradeep R., Kishoore A.C., Kousik R., Sowmya Danalakshmi C. (2018) “Automatic pneumatic pick and place robot”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology,,pp.111-113.
  • Madhu, P., Kanagasabapathy, H. and Manickam, I.N., (2018). “Conversion of cotton residues to bio-oil and chemicals through flash pyrolysis in a fluidised bed reactor”, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy,, pp.20-33.
  • Madhu, P., Nithiyesh Kumar, C., Anojkumar, L. and Matheswaran, M., (2018). “Selection of biomass materials for bio-oil yield: a hybrid multi-criteria decision making approach”. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol no.20(6), pp.1377-1384.
  • Madhu, P., Livingston, T.S. and Kanagasabapathy, H., (2018). “Flash pyrolysis of lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) for bio-oil production in an electrically heated fluidized bed reactor”. Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol no.9(6), pp.1037-1046.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Somasundaram, D., (2018). “Analytical investigation of solar air heater with jet impingement using energy and exergy analysis”. Solar Energy, vol.no161, pp.25-37.


  •  Madhu, P., Matheswaran, M.M. and Periyanayagi, G., (2017). “Optimization and characterization of bio-oil produced from cotton shell by flash pyrolysis using artificial neural network”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,, pp.2173-2180.
  • Madhu, P., Stephen Livingston, T. and Manickam, I.N., (2017). “Fixed bed pyrolysis of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus): Bio-oil production and characterization”,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,, pp.1359-1368.

Journal Publications

  • Matheswaran, M.M., Sahu, M.K and Kharub, (2022). “Nusselt number and friction factor correlation development for arc-shape apex upstream artificial roughness in solar air heater”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol no.29, pp. 65025–65042.
  • Srinivasan, N., Ross, N.S., Amutha, P., Gupta, M.K. and Korkmaz, M.E., (2022). “Thermo-physical, tribological and machining characteristics of Hastelloy C276 under sustainable cooling/lubrication conditions”. Journal Of Manufacturing Processes, vol no.80, pp.397-413.
  • Thomas Renald CJ, Somasundaram P, Matheswaran M M,.,and Gnanasekaran N., (2022). “Analytical investigation on thermo hydraulic performance augmentation of triangular duct solar air heater integrated with wavy fins”. International Journal of Green Energy, pp.1-11.
  • Ramesh, M., Rajeshkumar, L.N., Srinivasan, N., Kumar, D.V. and Balaji, D., (2022). “Influence of filler material on properties of fiber-reinforced polymer composites: A review”. e-Polymers, vol no.22(1), pp.898-916.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V., Muthusamy, S., Natrayan, L., Panchal, H., Subramaniam, S., Khedkar, N.K., El-Shafay, A.S. and Sonawane, C., (2022). “A case study on thermo-hydraulic performance of jet plate solar air heater using response surface methodology”. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol no.34, p.101983.
  • Ross, N.S., Gopinath, C., Srinivasan, N., Gupta, M.K., Shanmugam, R., Kumar, M.S., Boy, M. and Korkmaz, M.E., (2022). “Impact of hybrid cooling approach on milling and surface morphological characteristics of Nimonic 80A alloy”. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, vol no.73, pp.428-439.
  • Sivaraman, V., Davis Hans, S.J., Palani, K., Atiso, T.A., and Ross, N.S., (2022). “Analysis of Turning Performance on AISI O1 Steel Using VO+ nMoS2 as Coolant”. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,  2022, Article ID 8196347, 12 pages,.


  • Srinivasan, “Development of MR Fluid Assisted Novel Vibration Damping Fixture for Milling Machine” 16th Global Confernce on Manufacturing and Management,5-7 December 2022, Organized by Auckland University of Technology,Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Srinivasan, “Investigation on Formability of Tailored AA7075 Thin Sheets by Friction Stir Processes 10th SAE India International Mobility Conference, SIIMC 2022; 12-14,October 2022, Hilton Bengaluru Embassy Manyata Business Park.
  • Anoj Kumar, S. Bharath, T. Devin Kumar, R. Kavinpradeep,and D. Gokul, Modified Design and Development of Cost-Effective 3D Printed Hovercraft, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Muthukumaran, D. Dharmesh, and P S Shivashankar,” On-board weighing system using load cells to measure the loaded Trucks, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Murali, Vasanth Kumar, and M Kalayarasan, Taguchi Method with Grey Relational Analysis and TOPSIS Optimization of EDM Parameters for Ceramic Composite, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Alexander, G. Subash, K. Vivekanandhan, and S. Madhu, “Low Cost, Solar Power Driven Smart Irrigation System for the Agricultural Field”, National Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil, Mechanical and Management Studies,09,July 2022, Organized by Amrita college of Engineering and Technology ,Nagercoil, India.
  • Magesh.,V.Divyanandhan.,R.Baskar., P.Bharath Raj.,and V.Vishal, Numerical Analysis of Different Tool Profile for Friction Stir Welding, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • M., Akelashwaran .R., Annamalai .S., Manoj.T., Naveen kuma .D, Numerical Analysis of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Joints, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • Maadesh Kumar.K., Dheena.K., Hariharan.G., Jagan.M., and Nithish Kumar R,” Influence of fiber treatment on morphology and mechanical behaviour of hibiscus canabinus with curaua fiber”, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • V., Anishselvan.A., Kavinkumar.S., and Sathasivam .P, “Experimental investigation on Mechanical properties of laser weld and cold welded CR sheet metals”, International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • N., Karthik.T,Karthickraja., A,Santhosh.T., and Yogies.S, “Design and Development of Novel Deep Drawing System for Superalloy Thin Walled Components” International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 28 May 2022, Organised by Jansons institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.


  • Sahu, M.K., Matheswaran, M.M. and Bishnoi, P., (2021). “Experimental study of thermal performance and pressure drop on a solar air heater with different orientations of arc-shape rib roughness”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.144(4), pp.1417-1434.
  • Arun, M., Muthukumaran, M. and Balasubramanian, S., (2021). “Tribological characterization of friction stir welded dissimilar aluminum alloy AA6061–AA5083 reinforced with CeO2 and La2O3 nanoparticles”. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.
  • Kumar, A.V., Arjunan, T.V., Seenivasan, D., Venkatramanan, R., Vijayan, S. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2021). “Influence of twisted tape inserts on energy and exergy performance of an evacuated Tube-based solar air collector”. Solar Energy, vol no.225, pp.892-904.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Sahu, M.K., (2021). “Influence of twisted tape fins on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics for impinging jet solar air heater”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, vol no.235(4), pp.824-831.
  • Sowmya Dhanalakshmi, C. and Madhu, P., (2021). “Biofuel production of neem wood bark (Azadirachta indica) through flash pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor and its chromatographic characterization”. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol no.43(4), pp.428-443.


  • Anoj Kumar L,” Advanced Bus Tracking system using IoT”, 7th International E-confernce on Latest Technology in Science and Engineering Technology, 2022, Organised by Karpagam Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, India.
  • Sriram R , ArjunSiddarthan V , Ayyappan S, Ramanathan G , and Alexander F, “Mechanical Testing and Analysis of a Fiber Hybrid Composite Panel Made up of Natural Fiber (Jute, Coir) and E-Glass Fiber”, National e – Conference On Recent Advancements in Design, Automation and Intelligent Systems,12 June 2021, Organised by NGP institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • Ashok Kumar P., Vasanth Kumar D. , Davis Hans SJ. , Janarthanan “Investigation of stainless steel 316 coated with nickel”,International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering,10-11 March 2021, Organised by NGP institute of Technology ,Coimbatore, India.
  • Michael Joseph Stalin, T.V.Arjunan, M,M,Matheswaran, P.Manoj Kumar, and N.Sadanandam, “Investigations on thermal properties of CeO2/water nanofluids for heat transfer applications”, International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing,15-16 October 2020, Organised by Amity university ,Madhya Pradesh,India.
  • M. Matheswaran, T.V. Arjunan, D.Somasundaram, “Influence of twisted tape fins on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics for impinging jet solar air heater”, International Conference on Energy and Environment,11-12,April 2019,organised by Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore India.
  • M. Matheswaran, T.V. Arjunan, D.Somasundaram, “Energetic, Exergetic and Enviro Economic Analysis on Jet Plate Solar Air Heater”, International Conference on Thermal Analysis and Energy Systems,12-13,April 2018,organised by Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India.
  • Krishnakumar, K. Lingadurai , R. MukeshL. Princeraj , V. Naveen , M. Kavya , A. Sai Kiran,” Performance Analysis of NACA2411 Ice Accreted Original and Optimized Airfoils”, International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Machining,08-09,March 2019, Organised by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India.

Book Chapters

  • Stalin, P.M.J., Arjunan, T.V., Matheswaran, M.M., Kumar, P.M. and Sadanandam, N., (2021). Influence of various nanofluids on the performance of solar water heaters. In Solar Water Heating: Fundamentals and Applications Nova Science Publishers. pp. 285-314.


  • Michael Joseph Stalin, P., Arjunan, T.V., Matheswaran, M.M., Dolli, H. and Sadanandam, N., (2020). “Energy, economic and environmental investigation of a flat plate solar collector with CeO2/water nanofluid”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.139(5), pp.3219-3233.
  • Sahu, M.K., Matheswaran, M.M. and Bishnoi, P., (2020). “Experimental investigation of augmented thermal and performance characteristics of solar air heater ducts due to varied orientations of roughness geometry on the absorber plate”. Archives of Thermodynamics, pp.147-182.
  • Saravanakumar, P.T., Somasundaram, D. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2020). “Exergetic investigation and optimization of arc shaped rib roughened solar air heater integrated with fins and baffles”. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol no.175, p.115316.
  • Sivakandhan, C., Arjunan, T.V. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2020). “Thermohydraulic performance enhancement of a new hybrid duct solar air heater with inclined rib roughness”. Renewable Energy, vol no.147, pp.2345-2357.
  • Vijayan, S., Arjunan, T.V., Kumar, A. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2020). “Experimental and thermal performance investigations on sensible storage based solar air heater”. Journal of Energy Storage, vol no.31, p.101620.
  • Pasupathi, M.K., Alagar, K., Matheswaran, M.M., and Aritra, G., (2020). “Characterization of hybrid-nano/paraffin organic phase change material for thermal energy storage applications in solar thermal systems”. Energies, vol no.13(19), p.5079.
  • Stalin, P.M.J., Arjunan, T.V., Matheswaran, M.M. and Sadanandam, N., (2020). “Effects of CeO_2/Water Nanofluid on the Efficiency of Flat Plate Solar Collector”. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series C, vol no.41(1), pp.75-83.


  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Somasundaram, D., (2019). “Analytical investigation of exergetic performance on jet impingement solar air heater with multiple arc protrusion obstacles”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.137(1), pp.253-266.
  • Saravanakumar, P.T., Somasundaram, D. and Matheswaran, M.M., (2019) “Thermal and thermo-hydraulic analysis of arc shaped rib roughened solar air heater integrated with fins and baffles”. Solar Energy, vol no.180, pp.360-371.
  • Sahu, M.K., Sharma, M., Matheswaran, M.M. and Maitra, K., (2019). “On the use of longitudinal fins to enhance the performance in rectangular duct of solar air heaters—a review”. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol no.141(3), pp.030802.
  • Sowmya Dhanalakshmi, C. and Madhu, P., (2019). “Utilization possibilities of Albizia amara as a source of biomass energy for bio-oil in pyrolysis process”. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol no.41(15), pp.1908-1919.
  • Nithiyesh Kumar, C. and Ilangkumaran, M., (2019). “Experimental study on thermal performance and exergy analysis in an internally grooved tube integrated with triangular cut twisted tapes consisting of alternate wings”. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol no.55(4), pp.1007-1021.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Somasundaram, D., (2019). “Energetic, exergetic and enviro-economic analysis of parallel pass jet plate solar air heater with artificial roughness”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol no.136(1), pp.5-19.


  • Gowtham P., Hari Pradeep R., Kishoore A.C., Kousik R., Sowmya Danalakshmi C. (2018) “Automatic pneumatic pick and place robot”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology,,pp.111-113.
  • Madhu, P., Kanagasabapathy, H. and Manickam, I.N., (2018). “Conversion of cotton residues to bio-oil and chemicals through flash pyrolysis in a fluidised bed reactor”, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy,, pp.20-33.
  • Madhu, P., Nithiyesh Kumar, C., Anojkumar, L. and Matheswaran, M., (2018). “Selection of biomass materials for bio-oil yield: a hybrid multi-criteria decision making approach”. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol no.20(6), pp.1377-1384.
  • Madhu, P., Livingston, T.S. and Kanagasabapathy, H., (2018). “Flash pyrolysis of lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) for bio-oil production in an electrically heated fluidized bed reactor”. Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol no.9(6), pp.1037-1046.
  • Matheswaran, M.M., Arjunan, T.V. and Somasundaram, D., (2018). “Analytical investigation of solar air heater with jet impingement using energy and exergy analysis”. Solar Energy, vol.no161, pp.25-37.


  •  Madhu, P., Matheswaran, M.M. and Periyanayagi, G., (2017). “Optimization and characterization of bio-oil produced from cotton shell by flash pyrolysis using artificial neural network”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,, pp.2173-2180.
  • Madhu, P., Stephen Livingston, T. and Manickam, I.N., (2017). “Fixed bed pyrolysis of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus): Bio-oil production and characterization”,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,, pp.1359-1368.