Objectives of Grievances Redressal Committee

      1. To formulate the policy to investigate and review complaints or grievances of students and faculties.
      2. To create awareness of availability of members for students and faculties to report grievances.
      3. To investigate the cause of grievances.
      4. To ensure effectual solution depending upon the gravity of the grievances.

Committee Members of GRC

Presiding Officer / Chairman : Principal, Jansons Institute of Technology


Senior faculty member – Dr. B. Senthilnathan, Professor of Mathematics, Jansons Institute of Technology

Senior faculty member – Dr. M.  V. Sureshkumar, Director, Administrations, Jansons Institute of Technology

Senior faculty member  – Dr.  E.S. Shamila, Professor of Computer Science Engineering, Jansons Institute of Technology

Senior faculty member  – Mr.  S.J. Davis Hans, IQAC Co-ordinator, Jansons Institute of Technology

Student representative (special invitee) – Ms. B. Srimirnaaliny,  III Year CSE

Faculty Grievance Redressal Committee

Senior faculty member – Dr. B. Senthilnathan, Professor of Mathematics, Jansons Institute of Technology

Representative of affiliating University – Dr. A. Elayaperumal, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University

Representative of State DTE – Dr. P.K Palani, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore

Contact Information

e-mail id :

Ph. No. : +0091 – 421 – 2264900 – 726 

Mobile No: 9842086496 (Dr. B Senthilnathan)
