Energia Club

About JIT-Energia:

The Energy Conservation Club “ENERGIA” is an Energy & Resource Conservation Club that focuses on bringing about a first-hand realization of the energy crisis and scarcity of natural resources in the country. With the increasing demand for energy, effective management and conservation of the same has become the need of the hour. Recognizing the immense value that engineers can bring to the initiative and taking due consideration of this urgent need, Department of EEE of JIT has started “ENERGIA”, to propagate efficient usage of energy and to educate the society.


Saving energy today for a brighter tomorrow


Energia of JIT tends to contribute towards nation building by creating responsible citizens who will focus not only on conserving energy and natural resources but also imbibe civic and moral values


  • To drive home the message of energy conservation and environment protection in the minds of students, by planning and organizing regular activities.
  • Talks, Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions and other awareness programmes would be undertaken to spread the message of energy conservation and environment protection.
  • To create a strong network of environment conscious people who would pass on the tradition to generation next. 
  • To prepare strategies and encourage actions for promoting energy conservation
  • To generate consciousness among the masses about the importance, benefits and methods of energy conservation and environment protection.
  • To establish synergistic institutional linkages with organization to promote energy conservation and environment protection activities.
  • To make children and youth who constitutes more than 40% of the population and in who lies the future of this country, aware of the correct energy situation and the corrective steps that are to be taken.
  • To provide training and technical advisory services to help people achieve energy conservation and environment protection.