Workshop on “Design Thinking to Nurture Creativity and Innovation”

To realize the vision and mission of IIC in our campus, The Institution Innovation council of Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore organized a webinar “Design Thinking to Nurture Creativity and Innovation” on 27-01-2021 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. The programme was envisaged a inculcating the right attitude of innovation among the budding innovators. Dr. M.M.Matheswaran, Coordinator, Innovation Committee hosted the webinar. Ms. Heyram of 3rd year EEE, welcomed the resource person, organizing secretaries and students through her warm words of welcome. Next, our IIC president, felicitated the gathering and encouraged them to pay their full focus on the webinar. He also mentioned the various activities organized by the IIC of JIT to educate the students on innovation.

Chief Guest of the program Mr.Vishal Nair Co-Founder and Director, Light N Salt PVT LtD delivered his speech on “Design Thinking to Nurture Creativity and Innovation”. He opened the session with an explanation for innovation. He quoted the example of Google to show the difference between invention and innovation. Then with the help of three failure products like Dove maker, Nano Car and Goolge glass for explaining the need of Design Thinking. Then he explaining the general steps in Design Thinking process with the help of interesting examples.

 It was indeed an enlightening and inspiring session which ignited the young minds with the spark of innovation. It served as a milestone in the long journey of innovation in our campus. He also emphasized on the importance of constant innovation in the competitive world. The webinar reached its end with Ms. Hamsa Durga, from III yr ECE. expressing the gratitude through her vote of thanks.