Drive Against Drugs

The “Drive against Drugs” was a significant initiative in the ongoing battle against drug abuse. Mrs.Thillainayagi, DSP of Karumathampatti, chief guest. Dr. M. V. Sureshkumar, Director of Administration, warmly welcomed her. The event started off with a welcome address by Ms. Chinni Mahalakshmi. Mrs.Thillainayagi talked about the dangers of drugs and why it’s important to stop them. She explained how drugs harm not just individuals but also our whole society. Her speech was inspiring, urging everyone to take a stand against drugs and help make our communities safer. There were discussions to help people understand more about drug issues. Mrs.Thillainayagi’s message encouraged everyone to get involved and work together to fight against drug abuse. Then the event winded up with a vote of thanks by Mr. Sutiksn.