Anna University Approved FDTP on “EE6603-Power System Operation and Control

Anna University Approved FDTP on “EE6603-Power System Operation and Control event was conducted by Department of EEE for seven days in Jansons Institute of Technology. Dr.S.Elangovan, Head/Department of EEE provided this training event for faculty members to achieve the quality of faculty members plays a pivotal role. Keeping this in view and to prepare the students to accumulate the knowledge essential for Engineering syllabi in an effective way. Nearly 19 faculty members have been participated in this event to enrich their knowledge for recent technologies. A formal Valedictory Function was conducted with the oral feedback about various sessions held during the FDTP program from external and internal participants. The programme was well attended by all the faculty members. All the resource persons exposed their happiness about the conduct of programme and appreciated the quality and eagerness of the participants to learn.