Webinar on Application of Radiation in Medicine

The department of Physics has organized Farewell Webinar on Application of Radiation in Medicine on 17.08.2020, 5.30 to 6.30 pm.  Webinar started at 5.30 pm.  Dr. D. Geethalakshmi, Prof and Head/Physics, gave welcome address and invited the speaker and the participants. Introduction to speaker was given by Dr. R. Senjudarvannan, Prof and Head/Physics. Resource Person ,Dr.Karthick Raj Mani, Consultant Medical Physicist,Department of Radiation Oncology,

Bangladesh exposed and shared his findings and opinions in Application of Radiation in medicine. He showed that radiation could be viewed as an essential technology in medical applications. He then cleared the doubts of participants by answering their questions. Mrs. N.Saranya, AP/Physics finally presented vote of thanks.