Women Empowerment in Defense
Internal Women Caring Cell of our Institute celebrated NATIONAL DEFENSE DAY on March 3 by conducting an online webinar on, “Women Empowerment in Defense “ to create awareness among our students about the role of women in Indian armed forces. The event began with prayer song followed by the welcome address delivered by Harritha.S of III CSE. Monica(III ECE was the MOC for the event Sqn Ldr S Sowmya Narayani, Senior Facilities Manager at Infosys Chennai presided over the event and delivered an awe inspiring speech which has changed the perspective of our students with regard to participation of women in armed forces. She remarked that Women empowerment is the process of changing the system of society or any institution that positions women as subordinate to men. It involves undoing of all the social constructions that have kept women confined to the domestic realm. She had listed out the benefits of enrolling in armed forces. In today’s context it is not only men but women also have been equally playing an integral role in the section of armed forces in India. A recent order was made by the Supreme Court on extending permanent service to female officers, who applied to their male counterparts only, that is, a move toward gender equality and women emancipation. She had vividly narrated the participation of women in armed forces right from the era of Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose to till date, outlining their roles, achievements and increase in enrollment of women. She put forwarded valid points which would motivate women to undertake this as a profession of their choice. Angel Melba (CSE 3rd year ) gave her feedback for the event. The event ended with the vote of thanks from Joe Selshia.A (AI 2 nd year ) followed by national anthem.