Seminar on “Power Factor Control Technique” The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized a seminar on “Power Factor Control Technique” on 08.09.2018. The seminar was delivered by Dr.S. Elangovan, Professor – EEE to the II year EEE students. The seminar includes the topics […]
Protect yourself by self-defense – for school Our college NSS team organized a camp at Panchayat union primary school, Pathuvampalli. In that camp, our department students participated and conducted an activity on “Awareness on Girl Child Security – Self-defense”. Our students educated on how to […]

Music Fest and Competition In the view of encouraging those who loves music, activities were planned to express themselves. The Music Club events were organized by Mr.Lokesh (Secretary), Ms.Dharsana (Vice Secretary). The Students actively participated in various events and proved their skills.