Protect yourself by self-defense – for school Our college NSS team organized a camp at Panchayat union primary school, Pathuvampalli. In that camp, our department students participated and conducted an activity on “Awareness on Girl Child Security – Self-defense”. Our students educated on how to […]

Music Fest and Competition In the view of encouraging those who loves music, activities were planned to express themselves. The Music Club events were organized by Mr.Lokesh (Secretary), Ms.Dharsana (Vice Secretary). The Students actively participated in various events and proved their skills.

Android Studio and Basic functionalities The second activity of “Android club” was conducted on 11-08-2018 from 12:50 PM to 01:45 PM at CC3 laboratory. An overview of Android Studio and the basic functionalities about android palette, visual layer editor and code editor were explained […]

Interface concept in Java and Programming Logics The second session of Programming Club Activity held on 11.08.2018 from 12.50 PM to 1.45 PM at Lecture Hall-7. The Club Secretary Ms Aishwarya B of final year CSE,explained the interface concepts and its logic to the participants. […]
Respect parents and elders – Senior Citizen Day World Senior Citizen’s Day is celebrated on August 21 every year internationally. The day is dedicated to increasing awareness about the issues that affect older adults. From age deterioration […]
Seminar on Recent Trends in Power system A seminar on Recent Trends in Power system was organized for the EEE students on 17.8.2018(AN). Dr.T. Meenakshi, Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Jansons Institute of Technology delivered the seminar.45 students of the department of EEE attended the […]

Introduction to Android Club The Andriod Club was inaugurated on 21.07.2018 and the first session of the club was held during 12.50 PM. to 1.45 PM at Lecture Hall No 7. The activity was initiated by introducing the members of the club to each other and […]

One day workshop on “Modern techniques in water supply management” A one day seminar on “Modern techniques in water supply management” was organized by department of civil engineering in association with ICI. Mr. V. Sivarajan, Chairman, Builders Association of India, and Coimbatore Centre was the […]
Seminar on ” Modern Techniques in Waste Water Treatment “ The Department of Civil Engineering in association with ECO club and ICI student’s chapter organized a seminar on“Modern techniques in waste water treatment” by Mr.S.Sivalingam, DCE, TNWRD. The programme was organized to enrich the students […]
Tree Plantation The NSS team of our college launched the Tree Plantation Campaign as a part of their social awareness activity, in which our NSS volunteers namely Ms.Anupriya and Ms.Harsha of Ms.Jeyantha, Ms.Mythizhli and Ms.Diviya had actively involved themselves in helping the school children in […]