Health Awareness (POSHAN MAAH) AICTE suggested to conduct the health awareness programme on title Poshan Maah Heyram, I EEE, explained the nature of food, Junk food problems, Obesity issues, health issues of bad food habit. /*! elementor – v3.7.0 – 08-08-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a […]

Two Days Seminar on “Data Sciences – Industry 4.O” Date : 27-09-2019 & 28-09-2019 The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Two Days seminar on “Data Sciences – Industry 4.O” on 27.09.2019 & 28.09.2019 at Lecture Hall- T2. On the First Day the […]

Practicing Morse code using Simulator The Department of ECE organized an event titled “Practicing Morse code using Simulator” in association with JIT-Amateur Radio Club on September 14th 2019. The participants are from Third year classes (Sec-A & B), totally of about 30 Students. The event […]

Requirements for patenting skills A Seminar on patenting skills was arranged by the IPR cell for the faculty members on 6.9.2019. The seminar was handled by Dr. K.Mahendran of EEE department. He explained about the thrust areas of the patents and how to chose […]
Fit India Movement Fit India Movement is a nationwide movement in India to encourage people to remain healthy and fit by including physical activities and sports in their daily lives. It was launched by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi at Indira Gandhi Stadium in […]

Music Club Members Individual and Group Performance Competition JIT Music Club organized an event to exhibit the talents of students in music. The events such as solo and group singing, instrumentation were conducted to identify the best performer. The students from various departments took part […]