Healthy Food Awareness for PUPS Children Food Habits is one of the major threats to the society. In this fast moving world the total world has changed to Fast Food (i.e.) Junk Food. The people are not aware of the side effects of these food […]
Computer Education for Chennappachetti pudur Village People The NSS volunteers along with the faculty of Jansons Institute of Technology went to Chennappa chetti pudur on 24.03.2022 and met the villagers and taught them the basics of computers, mobile phone usage and told the necessity of […]
Computer Training for PUPS, Chennappachetti Pudur Computer Training was given to the school students of Panchayat Union Primary School. They learnt about the basics of Computers. Students were educated about how the computer works, How to use the computers. Students were given training to use […]

ESSENTIAL IT SKILLS FOR YOUR CARRER DEVELOPMENT The event started with a welcome address by the student coordinator. The session starts by addressing the speaker. Speaker handled the session with an stimulating speech. The following are the topics that are covered by the speaker. […]
Opportunities for Women in Entrepreneurship Internal women caring cell of our institute conducted a webinar on the topic of “ Opportunities for Women in Entrepreneurship” on March 24.03.2022 of this month to empower the minds of our girl students by inculcating values and skills required […]