Teachers Day Celebration Quality Improvement Cell in association with VE-SIP cell organized “Teachers Day Celebrations” at Jansons Institute of Technology from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m. on 05.09.2022 at Sivaganga Auditorium. Celebrations started with the welcome address by Mr. Saravanakumar, Assistant […]
Flag Collection Drive To preserve the dignity of the national flag, students and faculty member may requested to handover the National Flags which was used during 13th August to 15th August in every home to NSS office. In Jansons Institute of Technology, To protect our […]
Orientation program on “Innovative thinking” The Department of Civil Engineering organized an Orientation program on “Innovative thinking”. The main objective of this orientation program was to motivate students about Institute Innovative Council and their activities. Orientation Program was conducted at LH23, Jansons Institute of Technology […]

Technical Field visit for Problem Identification A team of 50 students from Mechanical, ECE, EEE and Civil department and three faculty members visited Mettur Thermal Power Station-I. This visit was mainly focussed on to understand the process involved during power generation and to identify the […]