Sense of Humanity versus World of Technology

A talk on “Sense of Humanity versus World of Technology “ was organized by IWCC on 16.09.2021 for staff &  student members of JIT from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. in Seminar Hall.

The speaker Shruthi.P.G of III CSE, initiated her talk by saying that ‘technology’ and technological innovations are simply an extension of our ‘humanity’ representing efforts to continuously improve the human condition. In that sense, she highlighted that humanism and technology are compliments, not opposites.The speaker concluded her talk on saying that at one end of the scale, technology may be seen as a threat to “natural” ways of being and acting human, or a power that we cannot control and at the other end, it can be seen as a promise of a new kind of humanity, transcending the limits set by our biological bodies and fallible human intelligence. 
