One day Workshop on Digital Product Development

A One Day Workshop on “Digital Product Development” was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Tech Clubs of CSE on 21.03.2023. On this day Ms. Safeera, III CSE delivered the Welcome Address.

This Workshop gave students the platform to display their project and their ideas in front of evaluators and their mates where knowledge sharing was the foundation of the event. Dr.A.Velayudham, Chief Mentor briefed up on the basis of Digital Project Development which was followed by a talk about the event by Dr. S Usha, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, followed by a talk on the happenings of the event by Dr.Vetrichelvi, Director Research. These evaluators led the session with their thoughts and expectation of the presentation and explanation of projects. Then the forum was bid for a break.

After break the students of III CSE – B started their project explanations orderly. Where the evaluators were fascinated by their ideas and project explanations. The students shared the novelty of their project and their unique ideas integrated in their project. Then the students and the evaluators bid for a lunch break. After the lunch break, again the students started with their project explanation. Then the evaluators shared their feedback and discussed with the students about their projects. The evaluators shared their innovative ideas which can be incorporated into their projects to make their projects the best. Finally the event winded up with a vote of thanks by Ms. Safeera, III CSE.