Skill Development Bootcamp on “IP Management and Technology Transfer”

The Bootcamp provided attendees with a comprehensive learning experience over four days, featuring expert speakers covering various aspects of IP Management and Technology Transfer.Mrs.R.Savitha, Mr.M.Saravanakumar, Mrs.A Praveena , Dr.E.S Shamila  each contributed unique insights, ranging from the fundamentals of Ip Management to advanced concepts like […]

GuestLecture on Hadoop Technology in Cloud Computing

A Guest Lecture on “Hadoop Technology in Cloud Computing “ was organized on23.11.2022 by the Dept. of CSE at Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.C.P.SHABARI RAM, M.E, Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore clearly […]