Awareness Program on “National Consumer Day”

Date : 10-01-2020
Time: 03:45 PM – 05:15 PM

The Awareness Program on “National Consumer Day” was initiated by 3.45 PM by welcoming the gathering by Ramya Devi S of IV CSE, followed by an inspiring elocution by Divya V of II CSE, Haritha A of III EEE and Bavadharani R of IV CSE. They all gave a great insight regarding the history of consumer act, awareness of advertisements, rights of customers and also the procedure to approach and file complaints in consumer court.It was followed by a session presented by Sashmitha of III ECE who gave a brief insight into the types of courts, steps to appeal, various trademarks for several products/services which every consumer uses in daily life.

A video presentation prepared by Myilanandan K.S of III CSE and Senthanvarman J of II CSE clearly threw light on the different ways of handling situations by consumers and the consequences faced. To make it as a lively session, a Debate was conducted where 8 students from various departments participated, where they discussed about “Consumers are aware of the Rights and Redressal Vs Consumers are unaware of their Rights and Redressal”. Their session was astounding and very lively. Sanju Vishal of III Mech concluded with a clear message to all consumers.

To visualize the scenario, a small skit was enacted by students from various departments where they enacted about several scenarios with the final awareness message for the consumers stating their rights and the way of redressal. To name a few, Railway benefits/rules, Toll gate benefits, Emergency situation handling in public, Cosmetics awareness etc were the theme. In order to check the consumer rights knowledge, a Quiz competition was conducted by Nithees of III CSE and Santhosh Kumar and Vishal of II Mech. 2 Rounds were conducted and 10 volunteer students participated actively.

Finally posters were displayed and explained by Abitha Sree, Harritha N, Rochana and Sucitha of I CSE. The art depicted about the consumer problems and solution to follow in medical field,roadways, services etc.

It was a successful event with 74 students as audience, 40 participants and 10 faculty members of various departments. Eye opener for everyone who became aware of several service/ Products and rules to be followed in various situations where consumers are cheated and lose money or best services because of their ignorance.

Feedback was really overwhelming from several students who stated that they gained knowledge and awareness after this program. They informed that they will make use of the rights discussed here in their daily life and be alert for their rights. The feedback received was very commendable in all aspects.