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Numerical Methods and Computational Challenges in Non-Linear Dynamics
Eight and half months of dream, hard work and plan was made come true on 19.09.2017 by hosting a CSIR Sponsored One day national level Work shop on Numerical Methods and Computational Challenges in Non-Linear Dynamics at Jansons Institute of Technology-Karumathampatti, Coimbatore.It was a busy Tuesday, many institutions were storming with the internal examination, Luckily we got few enthusiastic participants who has travelled 250 Kms to enlighten their brains with cognizant by 3 most reputed leading researchers & professors of Bharathidasan University-Tiruchirappalli, and Sasthra University-Thanjavur.
As tradition we had the Formal Inauguration ceremony which began10:20hrs in which Dr.P.SabareesanAssistant Professor-Research, Centre of Non-Linear Science and Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sastra University-Thanjavur was presided by Dr.R.Senjudarvannan The Convenor of the Workshop who was the chief guest. After the energetic addressing of the future of Non-Linear Dynamics by the chief guest by 11:00Hrs the inauguration ceremony got concluded. After rejuvenating ourselves with tea and snacks, The first session of the Workshop began with the presentation on Exploration ofFinite Difference Methods for Engineering and Nonlinear Problems by Dr.P.Sabareesan. The scope of his presentation was to impart the need, Construction, Classification, Methods of solving and Applying in Real time problems of Differntial Equations.
The speaker introduced the gathering with Differntial Equation, and what is Ordinary Differntial Equations and Partial Differntial Equations. The one hour presentation came to an end with introducing the audiences with principles of finite difference method and applying the differential equations in some standard real time problems as examples like forming differential equation for temperature of coffee in a cup, realizing ordinary differential equations by calculating time time of murder, computing heat and wave equationand testing the capability of a vessel to withstand the pressure in a laboratory.
After having the mid-day meal providedat the JIT boys hostel. Our next session began by 14:00Hrs which was handled by Mr. K.Thamilmaran from Centre for Non Linear Dynamics, School of physics, Bharathidasan University-Tiruchirappalli, Who elucidated on the introduction to dynamical systems, Chaos and the route to Chaos further he descended to classification of basic electric components and devices for explaining exploration of Chaos in some simple nonlinear circuits. He finally concluded his lecture with synchronization of chaos and its application to perform secure communication systems.
Later by 15:00Hrs the podium was passed to the last speaker Mr. A. Venkatesan of Nehru Memorial College, Putthanampatti-Tiruchirappalli. He summarized the previous speakers base topics like Linear differential equations, Nonlinear differential equations and route to chaos in his introduction part and moved on to the threshold mechanisms which governs or laid foundational stone for dynamical computing which gave birth the ongoing research in Chaos computing in which logic gates are implemented by vibrational resonance at Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua Circuit (MLC) and later on he explained his work on design and implementation of dynamic logic gates using Quasiperiodically Driven Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua circuit(QPDMLC).
He finally concluded the workshop by mentioning the availability of abundant non-linear systems in natural and engineering where attempts to harness the abundantly available chaotic phenomenon for the development of a reconfigurable computing device for the advancement of humanity.
As the saying says “Every Beginning has an End” the valedictory ceremony marked the close of the work shop in which all the speakers were honored with a memento as a token of love. After which the guests and invites were provided with tea and snacks for their refreshments.