An International E-Quiz on Recent Trends in Engineering Sciences Date:25.06.2020
The Jansons Institute of Technology Energia Club and JIT-IIC Branch organized “An International E-Quiz in Recent Trends in Engineering Sciences on 25th June 2020 at online. The Quiz conducted in the three domains, Namely Building and Mechanical Sciences, Communication and Computer Science, and Electrical Sciences. Prior to the day of the event, 775 Registration forms were received from throughout India, Oman, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. The Technical Committee of the quiz has sent individual quiz link with user name and password on 24.06.2020 to all registered participants and it was activated on 25.06.2020 and 353 Participants have participated. Throughout session was monitored by Dr.K.Mahendran, ASP/EEE and Mr.K.Krishnakumar AP/MECH.