Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being. It is the second step beyond mechanization in the scope of industrialization. Since the automation reduces the human involvement, the possibility of human errors also gets eliminated. Uniformity and product quality with a greater conformity can be maintained with automation by adaptively controlling and monitoring the industrial processes in all stages right from inception of a product to an end product.
We organizedInsights into Industrial Automation on 09.12.22 by Electronics Hubby Club in association with Institution’s Innovation Council. The Resource Person of the event is F Ravin Adharsh,Sales and Service manager of Digital Drives,Coimbatore.The key reason for conducting this event is to make students know about the importance and need of industrial automation. The speaker highlighted the key points about what is industrial automation, why industrial automation and how to proceed with industrial automation. He briefly explained about the innovations that are going to rule the future world.
No of Participants:69