An awareness program on “Antiragging” was arranged by IWCC for the student members of JIT on 18.07.2018 (AN). The speaker was Dr. Meenasundari. P, Professor, Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. The speaker highlighted on the different forms of Ragging and gave an insight into the Punishment for Participation of ragging activities.
Students were made aware on the action to be taken by the Head of the institution and administrative action in the event of ragging. The speaker discussed about the Stringent action that can be taken including filing of Criminal Cases against the errant students. The speaker explained that this may not be limited to criminal proceeding and/or cancellation of admission against those found guilty of ragging and/or of abetting ragging and the burden of proof shall hereby lie on the perpetrator of alleged ragging and not on the victim. The speaker insisted that an offence of Ragging may be charged either on a written complaint by the affected or on independent finding of the Anti-Ragging Squad.