Implementing Projects using Tinker CAD and MIT App Inventor – Hands on Training
ECE department of Jansons Institute of Technology joined hands with IWCC and EDC of our institute conducted a one day hands on training on “Implementing Projects using Tinker CAD and MIT App Inventor ” on 29-05-2022 . The student co-ordinators made arrangements in advance for the conduct of training program. Opening Note of Event was given by Ms.Madhumitha Sri of II ECE. The event began with tamil thaai vazhthu. Ms. Brinda of III ECE presented the Welcome Address The program focused on enabling students to put their ideas into projects and case studies with the help of tools such as Tinker CAD and MIT app Inventor. Mrs.P.Eswari explained the process of creating apps using MIT app inventor and the students with the assistance created an app on their own. Dr.P.Gowtham gave his presentation on CAD which was really very practical in nature. Throughout the day, they worked out every aspect of training on their own and learned a lot of things by doing practically. The participants were allowed to clarify their doubts. During the feedback session. The students gave their opinion about the program. Ms.Hamsa Durga of II ECE delivered the vote of thanks .The event concluded with national anthem.