Role of Women in Corruption Eradication
A Group discussion on “Role of Women in Corruption Eradication “ was organized by IWCC on 09.12.2021 for staff & student members of JIT from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m. in online mode. The event started with a welcome speech by Vasundhara(II AI). The Group Discussion was initiated by the speaker Bhagyaraj of I CSE, who started his talk with explaining What Corruption is and What are the various anti-corruption laws. Discussion was then continued by Shruthi Shree I AI. She shared her thoughts on the lack of public awareness of those existing laws and how Women are actively involved in Corruption Eradication.
Aswin.S of I AI, then explored his thoughts about the presence of corruption from ancient age to present days and discussed about the activities of Women initiated to control the corruption. He stressed that corruption is not completely eliminated. Finally, Alluri Venkata Satwika I CSE ended the group discussion by advancing into the contents of the causes for the Corruption and addressed the women who spoke up and fought against the Corruption. Finally the event had a happy ending with the vote of thanks by Nandhana of II AI.