Menstrual Hygiene -Awareness Program
Internal Women Caring Cell in association with Dept of ECE & Infosys | Springboard organics an Online Webinar On “menstrual hygiene” at the college premises on 18.10.2022.Menstrual hygiene management or menstrual health and hygiene refers to access to menstrual hygiene products to absorb or collect the flow of blood during menstruation, privacy to change the materials, and access to facilities to dispose of used menstrual management materials. Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant & Obstetrician Motherhood Hospitals, Mumbai was the resource person for the day. She explained all important aspects of menstrual hygiene to the students in a clear manner. The participants had learnt many new things to improve and follow hygiene protocols. The event ended with vote of thanks followed by national anthem.