International Women’s Day Celebration 20-21

                 Internal Women Caring Cell organized a special programme to commemorate the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2021 in Jansons Institute of Technology. On this occasion, various competitions like essay writing and poster designing was conducted to encourage and explore the talents in the young and energetic girl students. The posters designed by students were placed in the notice board of the college campus and the theme for poster design contest was “Where Women work makes the Difference”. 

          The topic suggested for essay writing was “Contribution of Women in the Development of World Economy”. A webinar was organized by prof. Sivamani.P on “Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs”. The resource person, Ms.Sivaranjani, a young entrepreneur emphasized that women should empower themselves without waiting for any external agency to help them. Finally she lauded the modern women as they are prospering equally well along with men and competing with men in all fields.
