““Idea Generation – Tools and Techniques”

A Seminar on “Idea Generation – Tools and Techniques”” was conducted by the Indian Institute of Production Engineers (IIPE), Department of Mechanical of Jansons Institute of Technology on 07.10.2022 at Seminar Hall. The event was presided by Dr.N.Srinivasan, Innovation Ambassador, JIT Institution’s Innovation Council (JIT-IIC). Students of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering were participated in the seminar. The session was started with the welcome address delivered by Mr.G.Subash, IV Mech. A total of 69 participants (66 Students and 03 faculties) actively involved in the session. The presentation of the guest was focused towards the idea generation –Tools and Techniques for new Innovation need in a new product design. The Importance of Innovation in a Product Tool Design, Technique needs & benefits were elaborately explained with related case studies videos to the participants. Discussion session was taken part after the presentation; Participants clarified their doubts and share their view about Innovative design. The session was ended with a vote of thank delivered by Mr.Kiran, II Mech. Participants shared their feedback about the session through online mode, which was informative and will be helpful in their lateral thinking enhancement.