“Harmony in the Family”

The “Harmony in the Family” event on May 15, 2024, from 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm, at the Seminar Hall of Jansons Institute of Technology, was organized by the National Service Scheme (NSS) in collaboration with VE-SIP Cell & NDLI Club and first-year students. The event commenced with an opening ceremony featuring a welcome address and an introduction to the event. Following the opening ceremony, Dr.E.S.Shamila Mam of CSE Department delivered a speech on the topic of “Harmony in the Family”. Afterward, Ms Jananitha R I CIVIL Conducted an Interactive Session with the Students. And Finally Ms Akshaya I CSBS delivered a Vote of Thanks. The event concluded with a feedback session and closing remarks. Overall, the event provided valuable information about the Harmony in the family and get to know about the importance of bonding between the family members.