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- VE-SIP Cell
- NDLI Club,VE-SIP Cell

Work Ethics & Professional Development
A motivational program on “Work Ethics & Professional Development” was organized by VE – SIP cell in association with Dept. of S&H , NDLI club & as a part of GE8076 Professional Ethics in Engineering paper for final years on 06.06.2022 for final year ECE, CSE & Civil student members of JIT from 11.15 a.m to 12.15 p.m. in Seminar Hall. The guest speaker Mr.Murali Ganesh, Manager, Uster Technologies initiated his speech by rendering how ethics helps a person to develop professionally.
The speaker insisted that for professional development one should show progress in his character, team work, appearance, attitude, productivity, organizational skills, communication skills, cooperation & respect to others.
The resource person advised the students that absenteeism can also profoundly impact job performance and retention. He insisted that for professional development one should show progress in his character, team work, appearance, attitude, productivity, organizational skills, communication skills, cooperation & respect to others.