Disaster Management
Disaster Management is the most important and necessary knowledge for now-a-days to deal with all aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters. Disaster management plans are multi-layered and are planned to address the issues such as floods, hurricanes, fires, mass failure of utilities, rapid spread of disease and droughts. In this regard, Jansons Institute of Technology conducted an awareness seminar on “Disaster Management” on 07.01.2020 at seminar hall. Mr. R.S Heyram, I EEE, presented about the different types of disaster and its impact on society, environment and economy. Also he explained about the relief activities from the disaster and role of various government and non-government agencies.
At the end of the seminar, we had conducted mock drill event for NSS, YRC volunteers and faculty members to train them about the safe and fast reach of open area from the hazard or danger zone.