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- NSS Unit
Jal Sakthi Abhiyan for Chennappachetti pudur Village
Ministry of Jal Shakthi is taking up a nation-wide campaign “Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain focusing on saving and conserving rainwater with the theme “Catch the rain, Where it falls, When it falls”, covering both urban and rural areas of the all districts in the country. National Water Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti launched a campaign “Catch the Rain” with the tag line “Catch the rain, Where it falls, When it falls” in 2022 & 2021.
We the team of NSS in special camp organized awareness program in the name of Jal Sakthi Abhiyan (JSA) on 22.03.2022 for the Chennappa chetti pudur village people. NSS volunteers went to each house in that village and created awareness on Water conservation. We explained the formalities, procedures, Instruction to set up or start water conservation in their homes.