My campus My Responsibility

The “Swachh Bharat – Campus Cleaning” event held on March 21, 2024, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at Jansons Institute of Technology was organized by the National Service Scheme (NSS). Hosted by Sanjay.K from Ist year ECE, the event commenced with a warm welcome address, setting the tone for the day’s activities. Dr. K. Senthamil Selvan, the NSS Programme Officer, delivered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness and community participation in the Swachh Bharat initiative. The highlight of the event was the cleaning activity, where enthusiastic students and staff actively participated, collectively collecting 40 kg of waste from the campus premises. This hands-on involvement showcased the commitment of the institute towards promoting cleanliness and hygiene. The event concluded with a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants for their dedication and hard work. The collaborative efforts of everyone involved contributed to making the campus a cleaner and healthier environment for all.