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- VE-SIP Cell
- VE-SIP Cell

Personality Development through Value Education
A talk on “Personality Development through Value Education “ was organized by VE – SIP cell on 24.02.2022 for student members of JIT from 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. in Seminar Hall.
The event started with a prayer song followed by a welcome speech by Sajith. G of I CSE. The first person to initiate the session with her talk was Subarna of I ECE followed by Jegadeesh of I ECE, Sruthi Sree, Kathi Poojitha, Anisha & Aswin of AI & Naveenraj of Civil. Students discussed that everybody wants a good personality which could not be made in an eye blink. It needs time, patience and hard work. Similarly, it was communicated by students that one should nourish oneself, physically and mentally & put positivity in mind which could only be possible through value education. When one mixes patience, knowledge, discipline etc., the magic portion of one’s personality will be developed. They concluded their discussion saying that for acquire all this, one needs to get the value of education first. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Sarvetha of I AI. Finally the programme concluded with a group photo session.