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- MIC Driven Activity
Orientation Session on IIC 4.0
MOE’s innovation’s cell organizes orientation session on 24.01.2022 from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm. Around 30 faculty members from all departments of Jansons Institute of Technology attended the meeting. The Objective of the session is to orient IICs on
1. IIC 4.0 Registration and Participation Guidelines
2. Introduction to New Features of IIC 4.0 Portal and How to Use It.
3. Glance through various programs and schemes for IIC institutions
4. Incentives and measurement of performance IIC Institutions effort
5. Integrated policy approach for maximum impact – NISP+IIC+ARIIA
From the session the following points are observed that for effective functioning the council.
1.Institutes have to formulate and implement, National Innovation Startup Policy (NISP) and register it in NISP portal.
2.Institutes are encouraged to participate in ARIIA 2022. Registration already started from Jan 2022. Only registered institutions are eligible for an orientation session.
3.IIC institutions have to develop following I&E infrastructure facilities for fostering the culture of innovation.
a) EDC
c) New Gen IEDC
d) Innovation cell
e) Startup cell
f) NIDHI Center
g) Tinkering Lab
h) Technology Transfer unit/IPR cell
i) Incubation center
4) Modalities to contact national innovation contest are changed due to the pandemic conditions.
5) Innovation ambassador portal also integrated with IIC- Institutional portal.
6) IIC institutions have to link with ATAL tinkering labs in schools. We have to contact with the schools which are in our region and to carry out the activities within next one month. It will be considered as MIC driven activity.
7) IIC institute level E repository systems to be generated for the following categories
a) Idea
b) POC
c) Startups
8) Affiliating universities are requested to monitor the registration status of the institution in IIC portal.
9) Institutes are advised to refer the near institutes which are not in the IIC ecosystem. (Points toward 5th star rating).