Road Safety awareness Programme • PPT presentation and students speech• Importance of helmet is explained• Traffic signals and signs• How to drive safely.• Importance of traffic rules• Economic loss due to road accidents.• Insurance details were discussed. /*! elementor – v3.7.0 – 08-08-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image […]
How to prevent Hepatitis B- an awareness program Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic diseases. The virus is most commonly transmitted from mother to child during birth and delivery, as well as through contact […]
Endorsing the hidden strength and treasure within An invited speech on “Endorsing the hidden strength and treasure within” was arranged by the IWCC for the student members of JIT. Dr.M.Krithika, BHMS, The other song International academy of Advanced Homeopathy […]
Awareness of Tobacco effects on village people The most effective measure to improve lung health is to reduce tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure. But knowledge among large sections of the general public, and particularly among smokers, on the implications for the health of people’s […]

One day workshop on “Non Destructive Testing” The Department of Civil Engineering in association with ICI-JIT Students Chapter organized one day workshop on Non destructive testing by Mr.S.Praveen kumar, AP/Civil, JIT on 10.02.2018.The students of final year civil engineering of around 95 has participated in the […]
A Hands-on training on Simulation of Advanced Power Converters using Matlab for drive applications 08/02/2018 “A Hands-on training on Simulation of Advanced Power Converters using Matlab for drive applications” was conducted by the Department of EEE in association with JIT IEEE Student Branch. The training […]

Quiz Competition A Quiz Competition was arranged by the JIT ISTE Student Chapter for the ISTE student chapter members of JIT on 06.02.2018(AN). Totally, 40 students enrolled and participated in this Quiz Competition. The Quiz comprises of 20 general knowledge questions in prelims round. Based on […]