Annual day The event started with the Prayer Song sung by Ms.Thenmozhi of I Year Civil Engineering. Ms. H.S.Pragathi of IV year Civil Engineering greeted the gathering which was followed by the welcome address from Ms. A.M.Thivyashri of IV year Civil Engineering. The Annual report […]
Farewell day 2017-2018 The Farewell day function of Department of Civil Engineering, Jansons Institute of Technology, Karumathampatti was scheduled on 13.3.2018 AN session at Sivaganga Auditorium. The function started with the group photo session and refreshment at 9.45 A.M. The third year students welcomed their […]
Annual Day 2018 The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has organized Annual day on 12.03.2018. Annual day programme was started by 02:30 PM. The Parents of Academic excellence students and Principal were the Chief Guest. The Annual day programme was initiated with welcome address by Ms.V. […]
Women’s Day Celebration • Speech was given by S. Akshaya, II CSE, H. Harsha, II ECE, and S. R. Keerthana, II CSE• Drama about Importance of women in society by I ECE students, directed and coordinated by M. Muhammed Javith, I ECE, and A. Mohammed […]

Aero Model Design Event As a part of departmental technical activities, “Aero Model Design” event was conducted on 6th March 2018 (11:00 AM to 12:40 PM) and on 8th March 2018 (01:30 PM to 03:30 PM). A total of 47 students from first year Mechanical Engineering Department […]

Spoken tutorial workshop on Q-CAD Second year Civil Engineering students participated in spoken tutorial workshop on Q-cad.This training is offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission in Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt of India, and the online test is conducted […]
Road Safety awareness Programme • PPT presentation and students speech• Importance of helmet is explained• Traffic signals and signs• How to drive safely.• Importance of traffic rules• Economic loss due to road accidents.• Insurance details were discussed. /*! elementor – v3.7.0 – 08-08-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image […]
How to prevent Hepatitis B- an awareness program Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic diseases. The virus is most commonly transmitted from mother to child during birth and delivery, as well as through contact […]
Endorsing the hidden strength and treasure within An invited speech on “Endorsing the hidden strength and treasure within” was arranged by the IWCC for the student members of JIT. Dr.M.Krithika, BHMS, The other song International academy of Advanced Homeopathy […]
Awareness of Tobacco effects on village people The most effective measure to improve lung health is to reduce tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure. But knowledge among large sections of the general public, and particularly among smokers, on the implications for the health of people’s […]