An Inspirational Talk on “Inspire to Innovate” The Department of Civil Engineering Indian Concrete Institute along with the Energia Club organised An Inspirational Talk on “Inspire to Innovate” by Ms. L Agnes Preethi, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jansons Institute of Technology. The key […]

Technical Workshop on Innovation & Entrepreneurship as a Career Opportunity A Technical Workshop on “Innovation & Entrepreneurship as a Career Opportunity was conducted by the Indian Institute of Production Engineers (IIPE) and JIT Mobility Club, Department of Mechanical of Jansons Institute of Technology on 30.09.2022 […]

An Inspirational talk on “Sparking Innovation and Creativity” We planned to conduct “An Inspirational talk on “Sparking Innovation and Creativity” for second & third year students and we Invited HOD of Civil Department Prof.L.Agnes Preethi,Jansons Institute Of Technology as speaker and she briefly described about what is innovation […]
Group debate on personalization and privacy in big data analysis Personalization is the process of adapting the output of a system to a user’s context and profile. User information such as geographical location, academic and professional background, membership in groups, interests, preferences, opinions, etc. may […]
EXODIA – Evincement of POC event was conducted by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with JIT – Institution Innovation Council on 28.09.2022 in Computer Centre II. The Knowledge sharing Program was designed for students to enhance their knowledge towards Data […]

Aristrocratic’22 An Awareness Program on Innovation Activities Design thinking and creative thinking are the main skills required to outstand in any work. The main objective of this event is to improve the design thinking and ability of the students. To bring out their creativity. Speaker […]

Workshop on “ Innovation to Entrepreneurship” To create an innovative eco system within the Institution, JIT –IIC organized a workshop on “Innovation to Entrepreneurship” for the students and faculty members on 27.09.2021. The session started with the welcome address and opening remarks by Dr.M.M.Matheswaran, IIC […]

Seminar on “Design Your Destiny” A Seminar on “DESIGN YOUR DESTINY” was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Andrios Club on 27.09.2022. On this day Ms.Haripriya gave a presentation to the 2nd, 3rd and Final year students about “SMART […]

Biodiversity Photography Contest The Biodiversity Photography Contest has as main objective to promote the theme of biological natural heritage, namely the natural regions, the ecosystems, the habitats and the species of wild fauna and flora, through the selection and classification of photographs related to this […]
NSS Day Celebrations ‘As a part of celebration of 53rd NSS day we NSS crew organised an event on the theme “Clean Campus Green Campus” On behalf of the theme Green Campus we NSS volunteers planted around 15 to 20 tree saplings in association with […]