Poshan Maah POSHAN Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission) is India’s flagship programme, launched in March 2018 to improve nutritional status of children up to 6 years, adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers to achieve specific targets for reduction in low birth weight babies, stunting growth, […]
COVID Vaccine Awareness COVID-19 vaccines are the most effective way to prevent COVID-19. Vaccines can protect us from COVID-19 by preventing us from getting infected at all, and by preventing us from getting sick, ending up in the hospital, or dying – even if we […]
Educating kids on Inappropriate touch Child molestation and physical abuse are so very rampant. Every other day we get to hear stories about a child being molested or touched inappropriately. What’s more, children who fall prey to this are normally below six years of age. […]

Seminar on “IdeaStorm’22 – Think Beyond the Box” Seminar on “IDEASTORM-THINK BEYOND THE BOX” was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Andrios Club on 06.09.2022. The Idea Generating Program was designed for students to enhance their knowledge towards developing […]

Seminar on “IdeaStorm’22 – Think Beyond the Box” Seminar on “IDEASTORM-THINK BEYOND THE BOX” was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Andrios Club on 06.09.2022. The Idea Generating Program was designed for students to enhance their knowledge towards developing […]