World Entrepreneurship Development Day Celebrations

“Motivation Sessions for Budding Entrepreneurs” Objective :To motivate the Students and faculty members in the field entrepreneurship development. The Institution innovation council of Jansons Institute of Technology organised a Seminar program on “Interactions With Entrepreneurs” in association with JIT – Entrepreneurship Development Cell. This programme […]

Seminar on “Innovations and new technologies for heavy metal removal in industrial effluents”

Seminar on“Innovations and new technologies for heavy metal removal in industrial effluents” Wastewater is a resource that is too valuable to throw away, especially in an increasingly water-scarce world. Wastewater from large cities is often pumped directly into rivers or seas without treatment, leading to […]

Seminar on Business Potential and Opportunity Identification for the Innovation Innovation Rubric and Business Model Canvas Preparation

Seminar on “Business Potential and Opportunity Identification for the Innovation Innovation Rubric and Business Model Canvas Preparation” The Institution innovation council of Jansons Institute of Technology organised a seminar on Business Potential and Opportunity Identification for the Innovation Innovation Rubric and Business Model Canvas Preparation […]

Angel Investment and Venture capital funding Opportunities for early stage Entrepreneurs

Angel Investment and Venture capital  funding Opportunities for early stage Entrepreneurs Objective : To create value on people, do business, perceive things, understand things, or to even change how they live. About the Event : The Institution innovation council of Jansons Institute of Technology organised […]