Pencil art of Freedom Fighters

Pencil art of Freedom Fighters ECE department of Jansons Institute of Technology and the Internal Women Caring Cell In Association with NDLI Club conducted a drawing competition on the topic “pencil art of freedom fighters” to mark the celebration of our 75th independence day. The […]

International Women’s Day Celebration

International Women’s Day Celebration           International women’s Day was celebrated at the Jansons Institute of Technology on March 8th 2022 by Internal Women Carrying Cell (IWCC) in a grand manner through online and Offline in association with Tamil Mandram & NDLI Club. The event began […]

Women Empowerment in Defense

Women Empowerment in Defense      Internal Women Caring Cell of our Institute celebrated NATIONAL DEFENSE DAY on March 3 by conducting an online webinar on, “Women Empowerment in Defense “   to create awareness among our students about the role of women in Indian armed forces. […]