Fire Safety Awareness Programme (in association with Mettupalayam Fire Service Station) Fire safety awareness includes assessing the possible risks that can cause a fire hazard and taking appropriate steps to prevent and minimize the damage caused due to a fire. Basic fire safety plans might […]

Field Visit to Business Incubator- FORGE FACTORY-COIMBATORE” To convert student’s innovative ideas in to prototypes JIT-IIC oragnizes a filed visit to the Forge Factory, Coimbatore, for 30 students and 2 faculty members. The students are from various departments they are participated in Ideathon contests conducted […]
A Seminar on “HARMONY IN EXISTENCE – NATURAL ENVIRONMENT” The VE-SIP cell organizes a seminar on “HARMONY IN EXISTENCE – NATURAL ENVIRONMENT” on December 18th 2021. Dr. P. Meena Sundari, Professor/Head gave a wonderful speech on NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. She explain the life cycle of nature […]
COVID – 19 Vaccination Camp 4 (in association with Rotary Somanur) Our college NSS Unit organized free COVID vaccination camp in our college campus on third time. This vaccination camp was organized for the persons aged 18 years and above in which mainly college students, […]
Online Pencil Drawing Contest (Theme: Conserve Energy and Save the Future) “Online Pencil Drawing Contest” was conducted on 17th Dec 2021 by ARCRA Club in association with JIT- Energia club & JIT-IIC of Jansons Institute of Technology. The theme was “Conserve Energy and save the […]
Objective : To create awareness among students and teachers about entrepreneur in the field of energy sector as an alternative career option. Summary The Institution innovation council of Jansons Institute of Technology organized a webinar in association with JIT-EntrepreneurshipDevelopment Cell.on the title ” Innovation and Entreprenuer in the […]
Energy conservation day celebration 2021 A seminar on “Energy Conservation is not Elite; It is Essential” National Energy Conservation Day is observed on December 14, every year. The day focuses on making people aware of global warming and climate change and promotes efforts towards saving […]
COVID-19 Vaccination Awareness Programme for Semmandampalyam Village people Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) was declared a “pandemic” by the World Health Organization (WHO) in early March 2020. Globally, extraordinary measures are being adopted to combat the formidable spread of the ongoing outbreak. Under such conditions, people’s adherence […]
Energy conservation day celebration 2021 A seminar on “Energy Conservation is not Elite; It is Essential” National Energy Conservation Day is observed on December 14, every year. The day focuses on making people aware of global warming and climate change and promotes efforts towards […]

Energy conservation day celebration 2021A seminar on “Energy Conservation is not Elite; It is Essential” National Energy Conservation Day is observed on December 14, every year. The day focuses on making people aware of global warming and climate change and promotes efforts towards saving energy […]