The Bootcamp provided attendees with a comprehensive learning experience over four days, featuring expert speakers covering various aspects of IP Management and Technology Transfer.Mrs.R.Savitha, Mr.M.Saravanakumar, Mrs.A Praveena , Dr.E.S Shamila each contributed unique insights, ranging from the fundamentals of Ip Management to advanced concepts like […]

One day Workshop on Digital Product Development A One Day Workshop on “Digital Product Development” was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Tech Clubs of CSE on 21.03.2023. On this day Ms. Safeera, III CSE delivered the Welcome Address. […]

A Webinar on “Skill Development For CLean Coding and DevOps” A Webinar on “Skill Development For Clean Coding & Devops” was conducted by Andrios Club, CSI Student Chapter and Iterators club on 01.11.2022. The session started with an opening note of the event by Rashmitha […]

Seminar on “Effective Problem Identification Techniques & Strategies” A Seminar on “EFFECTIVE PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES & STRATEGIES” was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Andrios Club on 18.10.2022. The Problem identification techniques Program was designed for students to enhance […]