Hands-on workshop on R-Programming

Hands-on workshop on R-Programming IEEE Student branch and Women-in Engineering Affinity Group of Jansons Institute of Technology organized a “Hands-on workshop on R programming” on 07.02.2020 from 09:30 am to 03:30 pm. The resource person for the workshop is Mr.Ashvanth Narayanan, Systems Engineer, TCS, Chennai. The workshop started […]

Skill Development Training Programme on “Industrial Automation”

Skill Development Training Programme on “Industrial Automation” As a practice of shaping-up the students to face the industry post Engineering graduation, Skill Development workshop on Industrial Automation was organized for participants from colleges of various districts of Tamilnadu on 13.07.2019. This course was divided into […]

A Hands-on training on Simulation of Advanced Power Converters using Matlab for drive applications”

A Hands-on training on Simulation of Advanced Power Converters using Matlab for drive applications 08/02/2018 “A Hands-on training on Simulation of Advanced Power Converters using Matlab for drive applications” was conducted by the Department of EEE in association with JIT IEEE Student Branch.   The training […]

National level technical symposium- IGNIZ 2k17

National level technical symposium- IGNIZ 2k17 A National Level Technical Symposium IGNIZ’2K17” was conducted by the department of Electrical and Electronics on 26th September 2017 at Sivaganga Auditorium, Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. The proposal for the national level technical symposium “IGNIZ’2K17” was given to […]