An Idea Presentation event “INNAIATHON 2022” – No Problem is too big! No Idea is too small!

An Idea Presentation event “INNAIATHON 2022” – No Problem is too big! No Idea is too small! The objective of the idea presentation event is to focus on incubating high-potential student ideas into real-life business ventures. An Idea Presentation event “INNAIATHON 2022” has been organized […]

Orientation Session on “Design Thinking – Double Diamond Approach”

Orientation Session on “Design Thinking – Double Diamond Approach” An orientation Session on “Design Thinking – Double Diamond Approach” was conducted by the Indian Institute of Production Engineers (IIPE), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jansons Institute of Technology in association with JIT-IIC on 04.11.2022 for the […]

A session on “How to Identify Right Problem and Solution using the Double Diamond Approach in Design”

A session on “How to Identify Right Problem and Solution using the Double Diamond Approach in Design” The objective of the session is to know the design thinking and importance of problem finding, steps and approaches of double diamond process and understanding of strategize product […]

Awareness Seminar on “Innovative Product Design”

Awareness Seminar on “Innovative Product Design” An Awareness Seminar on “Innovative Product Design” was conducted by the Indian Institute of Production Engineers (IIPE), Department of Mechanical of Jansons Institute of Technology on 23.09.2022 at Sivaganga Auditorium. The event was presided by Dr.M.M.Matheswaran, Innovation Ambassador, JIT […]

Seminar on “Innovations and new technologies for heavy metal removal in industrial effluents”

Seminar on“Innovations and new technologies for heavy metal removal in industrial effluents” Wastewater is a resource that is too valuable to throw away, especially in an increasingly water-scarce world. Wastewater from large cities is often pumped directly into rivers or seas without treatment, leading to […]